Apreamare Gozzo 35 is a new version of the Gozzo Sorrentino that answers the modern styles of life. The main point will be the hull designed by Marine Design, which has already taken part of many Apreamare successful models. A remarkable effort has been made to develop the boat concept by the architect Marco Casali, who added value to the outdoor spaces of the deck in cooperation with Cataldo Aprea. They paid great attention to design the hull with lines that puts it in a more contemporary context while respecting the aesthetic standards of the Gozzo Sorrentino.
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Mõõdukas: Kuni 31 päeva enne sisseregistreerimist toimuva tühistamise korral tagastatakse 100% ja kuni 8 päeva enne sisseregistreerimist toimuva tühistamise korral 50% jahitasu summast. rohkem
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