The boat is 2,5m wide and 8m long. She has cabin with 4 beds, a fridge, cooker and toilet. She also seats for 6 person and lifejacket for them and 2 more for childen. The boat has hard roof and can be completely covered. Once you rent the boat it will be only for you including skipper. You can rent for transfer to island or rent 5 hours crouis araund Dubrovnik area. The day excursion (5 a hours) included a trip to islands where there are beautiful sandy beaches, small restaurants with fresh fish, cavesof which the Blue Cave especially beautiful. The boat can be rented for four hours, which included a tour of Old Town and island around it. The price of one hours is 50 eur and the maximum number of passengeron bord is 6, in the price included water,juices,beear and wine.
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Paindlik: Kuni 7 päeva enne sisseregistreerimist toimuva tühistamise korral tagastatakse 100% ja kuni 1 päev enne sisseregistreerimist toimuva tühistamise korral 50% jahitasu summast. rohkem
BednBlue palub kõigil enne reisi või prahtimist mõned asjad kinnitada.
BednBlue palub kõigil enne teiste liikmetega kontakteerumist mõned asjad kinnitada.
Te peate seda tegema ainult üks kord.
Broneerimisnõustaja vorm
Täitke allolev vorm ja saate peagi soovitusi ideaalsete jahtide kohta teie reisiks.
Teie vorm on edukalt saadetud!
Reisiekspert võtab teiega peatselt ühendust, et soovitada teie reisi jaoks ideaalset jahti.
Vaata sobivaid jahte nüüd
I and my family had an excellent experience with Petar. We went through the 3 main islands and also to the blue cave, we all really enjoy it! We had lunch with beautiful views! Thanks for all Petar